We are once again offering the following group of heifers for sale by private treaty. We have more good heifers than we have room to keep here, and we feel these 22 heifers will make excellent cows. They have all been 50K tested, and those results are now reflected in their EPDs. We have collected all of our yearling data, including yearling weights, carcass ultrasound, and pelvic area measurements, and those are included in the data sheet now as well. We started breeding them on June 1, AIing on natural heats for the first cycle, and have our Stormy 49D clean up bull running with them now. We have done an initial pregnancy check on the heifers and were able to confirm that most of them settled AI, and have indicated that on the data sheet along with the sex of the calf if known. The three heifers who didn’t will have to be checked again this fall to confirm their pregnancies. The heifers were AI’d to Atomic, Spartacus, and Stock Market, and more information about those sires can be found on the Herd Sires page. Feel free to call or email if you have any questions. We would be happy to show them to you!
The Red Angus Association of America has recently begun calculating their EPDs with a new system called BOLT. These new EPDs offer the most accurate genetic predictions available. In the transition to the BOLT EPDs, some traits have had their EPD base change, most notably CED, Stay, and Herd Builder. The following link takes you to an EPD Percentiles chart that can help you get a feel for where these EPD values rank within the breed:
Also, with the new BOLT EPDs, the EPDs will be calculated and published every week instead of twice per year, meaning that the animals’ current EPDs might vary slightly from the EPDs listed here. These EPDs are current as of August 26, 2019. For the most up to date EPDs, click the following link to the Red Angus Association’s database and search with the animal’s registration number (Reg #):
Click the pictures for a larger view. We finally got a window of nice, dry weather and I got these pictures taken April 23, 2019.